17652 Wellington Ave. Tustin, CA 92680 February 3, 1988 PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Gentlemen: I am submitting the enclosed program entitled "Silicon Sky" for distribution as "Shareware". The requested registration fee is $10.00. Silicon Sky is an astronomy program which displays approximately 1600 stars as seen from any latitude on earth for a selected date, time and direction of observation. In addition the program displays the location of the sun, moon and planets and shows the correct phase of the moon. More detailed technical data giving coordinates of solar system objects can be displayed by selecting the proper option from the on-screen menu. Finally, it identifies the constellations visible on the screen by marking out their boundaries. The program requires an IBM or compatible with a color graphics card (CGA) or an enhanced graphics card (EGA). An 8087 math co-processor chip is supported and speeds up execution time considerably, especially when compared to a standard PC without the chip. The contents of the individual files are as follow: SISKY.EXE The main program for machines without 8087 chip SISKY87.EXE The main program for machines with 8087 chip INIT.EXE Initialization program for non 8087 machines INIT87.EXE Initialization program for 8087 machines SISKY.XYZ Coordinate data for 1600 stars SISKY.CLR File with initialization data SISKY.HRZ Horizon for sky display SISKY.DME Top of celestial sphere for sky display SISKY.CNM Name and central coordinates for constellations READ.ME Text file with program instructions LETTER.TXT Text file with this letter ARIES...VOLANS These thirty five files contain boundary data for each constellation Sincerely, Larry Adkins